manicure Sandra painted my nails with a light pink base. then she drew on white flowers with a golden inside with a final layer of clear nail polish. she also did val´s, but we went out soon after and her nails got ruined playing frisbee. the boys were working on another cabin with their father. i wanted to bring them juice because that´s what i do for my father when he works outside. we ran out of mosquito incense. so Asdubal dug up a termite nest and lit it on fire. the smoke drove the bugs away.
soccer game at 3:30pm. Asdrubal invited us to the soccer field. Ilona joined us when we stopped by the restaurant. val and Asdrubal played with my frisbee on the way there. we watched the local boys playing until it got too hot to stand in the field. we went back to Pura Vida, the restaurant, to have chocolate milkshakes. However, they ran out so we just sat around and talked. They have two puppies running in the yard all the time. Janek and Joke joined us after they came back from their trip to Punta Mona.
Dinner we had chicken, rice, tomatoes and cucumbers. dennis came by with aine's stuff and more jewelery for Joke and Janek to look at. He had a new starfish anklet that i really liked. at first, he said it was $10 because i bought so much. i didn't get it, but i wanted it so bad! it was the prettiest thing i saw so far. i kept looking at it and putting it on my ankle. he came to me and whispered he would sell it for $8. I was sold! After dinner, we hung out at the table and played PIT, this card game that Chris brought from England. It was a stupid game, but really fun. Janek and Joke left for their patrol shift. we played gin rummy, then i showered.
Bar de Cocos 1 Chris got a rum and coke. Aine got a vodka and coke. I got a bottle of Bacardi Rum and val got pringles. we watched spiderman 2 in spanish on tv. after a bit, chris and aine went home because they had no more money. i stayed because my toe really hurt. Ani was working at the bar. He gave us free shots and more pringles. val got sick. asdrubal came to help take care of her. we waited till she felt better, then they took turns taking her to the cabina so she wouldn't have to climb up her bunk. we wrapped her in a sheet and faced a fan to her bed. when she felt good enough to go to sleep, Anibal went back to work at the bar, Asdrubal went to bed and i slept with val. i was big spoon. the cool air from the fan woke me up. i went to my room to get a blanket and slept in a top bunk.
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