lunch was beet and potato salad, chicken, rice with pineapple juice. Anibal cut up some pipas for us. we shaved off the outside by hacking it. then he made a little hole so we could drink out of it. there were no straws. we had to kiss the pipas to get juice. the meat inside was like white jelly. i talked with the couple from Germany, Janek and Joke. It was our first meal together. She is 19 and he is 20. Their english is good because they studied in the states for a year.
naptime the lagoon tour tired me out, so i took a nap. val woke me up at 4. she sleeps on the top bunk so i can hear her get on and off the bed. when she moves, my bunk moves too. it feels like someone is constantly kicking my bed. i haven´t been able to sleep that well since i got to Costa Rica, but i also haven´t felt that tired. i packed my stuff for tomorrow, wandered around a bit. Sandra served us dinner at 5 pm because we both had hatchery shifts at 6 pm. it was fried cheese with tomato sauce. val left early for her shift because she was at hatchery A. i talked to Janek and Joke and didn´t leave till 5:45 pm.
Hatchery B i relieved Ilona and another girl. my partners, Allix and Alejandra did not show up until 6:15 pm. for the next half hour, we were eaten alive by mosquitos. we had our chairs right up to the high tide line, but there was no wind and they were vicious. anywhere where your clothes touched your skin, they would bite. i was so miserable, every bite stung and burned. i took our my poncho and wrapped it around my whole body. at the hatchery, we get to sit on plasic patio lawn chairs. i curled up and covered everything. i had my face under my arms. the mosquitos didn´t go through the plastic, but it was so hot and sweaty. the poncho didn´t cover my bum and the pesky things actually bit me through the holes in the chair. once it got dark, the mosquitos went away, but i was still scared so i kept the poncho on. after a while, i couldn´t stand being so hot, so i took the poncho off, but i still wrapped it around my feet because i forgot to bring my socks and sanflies come out at night. i learned my lesson from my first night out patrolling. at 7:30 pm, Alejandro went home with an upset stomach. Allix and i talked for hours. we weren´t expecting babies, so we only checked the nests every 30 minutes. she started getting sick, but didn´t want to leave me alone. Patrol in sector B is at 10 pm. she waited until 10:30pm, then left to go home because patrol should come by soon. however, i was alone until 11:30 because patrol went the other way. Stav took the patrol to the other end of Sector B first. I didn´t mind. I had my music so I couldn´t hear the strange noises that usually come from the forest. the clouds had also cleared up and the milky way was very bright. even though it is dark, you can see the ocean come up in big white waves and the water eating up the sand and retreating back to the sea. when patrol came by, they left a volunteer so i wasn´t alone. his name was dave, from ISV. we saw someone with a bit white light coming our way. we thought it was the association, but it was just a new girl, Kate, that didn´t know the rules. She didn´t meet up with her partners for Hatchery A and she didn´t know where she was going. so we told her to pull up a chair and when patrol came back, they could take her. dave and i talked about the false crawl he saw and a bunch of other stuff. soon, two girls came to relieve me and i finished my shift. i met the two other girls for hatchery A on the way home. the tide was so high. i tried to run across when the waves retreated, but some areas do not have much beach to work with and my legs got soaked. back home, i quickly showered and got to bed at 1 am.
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