middle creek when our shift was over, we walked to middle creek to join Bia, Axelle, Carl, Aine, Delanie and Judith. The creek was nice and cold. we waded in but didn't go in too deep because we were worried about caymans.
afternoon chilling joke and i asked for coconut oil so we could tan in the yard. sandra took the leftover coconut she grinded for the rice and squeezed the milk into a bowl. we pulled out two chairs each and listened to music on the lawn. chris gave me a present as he cleaned and packed to leave. it was a mosquito bite zapper that uses crystals to take away the itch and the sting.
housework i saw asdrubal cleaning the chairs and i helped him out. we put bleach in them and scrubbed off the stains and dirt. it was tough to get the chairs white again. my chairs were never as clean as his because my puny arm muscles couldn't scrub hard. we left some chairs for tomorrow because we started a water fight after i got bleach on my swim suit.
more afternoon chilling i took a quick shower to take off the bleach and the sweat. then joke and i went to the beach to tan our backs. on the way home, we stopped by Pura Vida to see if they had chocolate milkshakes. they did! we went home to shower first. this was the first shower i took during the day at Sandra's. and it was the only shower that i enjoyed from the very beginning. all the other times, i had to get used to the cold water. at the restaurant, we met up with chris, janek and josh. we all had chocolate milkshakes. Ilona came by and got a pineapple shake. we stayed until dinner time, then we took josh home with us so he knew where to find us tomorrow.
Josh Janek and Joke met him last week. he's going to come to Bocas with us on saturday. josh is from california and here for 3 weeks in Gandoca. he's volunteering at an organic farm where the seeds of highly successful plants are distributed to farmers. he lives all by himself in the forest by the road from Sixaola to Gandoca. there is no electricity so he reads by candle light and sleeps early. this is the house he lived in.

dinner sandra made us noodles and mango juice for dinner. we all hung out to play bullshit (cheat). i called katie to talk, then went to write goodbye notes to those leaving tomorrow. when i was done, we played more bullshit. then Aine and Judith showed us a party trick: fitting a fist into their mouth.
bar cocos land 2 janek, joke and i went to the bar to say bye to Ilona. i stayed for an hour and a half. it started to rain so i went home to get a poncho for Ilona. it stopped raining by the time we got home, but she borrowed it anyway. all of us hung around the kitchen to talk. chris left for patrol in sector b. the rest of us went to take a nap. everyone else but aine and i had hatchery duty at midnight. you could hear the roar from the bar in our room. chris came into the room with his head torch and did a little dance at one in the morning. his shift ended early. aine and i were both feeling really tired, but we managed to wake up and get dressed to go to the bar again. there was no one at the bar when we got there. the big ISV party was gone and left confetti from a pinata lying all over the floor. Asdrubal gave me a mask, but chris broke it. after 2, the project staff and the rest of the patrols came in and the bar got busier. everyone went to the beach to see the sunrise. i walked a drunk anibal home and he gave me some candy from the pinata. i took a 30 minute nap, then got ready for censo (survey) with judith at 6 am. on the way, i met up with chris and aine. i said a final goodbye to them.
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