J & J transparente boat tours at 9:15. i put on sunscreen and 30 of us piled into a boat with 3 staff.
dolphins bay our driver told us we would have an 80% chance of seeing dolphins. a pod of about 40 to 50 of them live in this bay and feed on the abundant supply of jellyfish. that is also the reason why we cannot swim in the water. no dolphins ever jumped in the air, but we saw many show their top fins and tail as they glided through the water. they were so graceful and beautiful. the girls in front of me noticed my turtle jewelery. we chatted and found out that they were from punta mona! they also had jewelery made by dennis. what a small world. we will probably meet again on the bus ride back to sixaola.
crawl cay snorkeling. they dropped us off at an island. some people ordered their lunch in advance. i changed and took out my snorkeling gear. we all got back into the boat and they took us to some shallow reefs. i could get really close to the bottom, but there was a current that pushed me along. the fish here were similar to the ones at manzanillo, but i saw a few more varieties like incandescent blue and green. after 2 hours, the guide drove us back to the island for lunch. they gave us time after eating. joke went to sun bathe, i found a hammock to swing in and read. i´m in love with hammocks now, i want to bring one home.
red frog beach we had to walk through private property to get to red frog beach. we paid $2 for the well made forest path. little boys showed us the tiny poisonous frog on big leaves to protect them from touching them. the sand at the beach was so fine! it didn't hurt when you brushed it away like the sand in Gandoca. the waves were pretty rough. we jumped in it for a bit, then i put my towel down to lie in the sun. we walked on the path again to meet our guide at 4pm.
hospital point i decided not to go snorkeling again. i was dry and tired from being in the sun all day. the waves were rougher at this point and the fish would look the same. i saw at the front of the boat to tan and read.
hot shower heike was out of water again, but mondo tai tu still had water. joke and i walked down the street to take a nice hot shower. it felt so amazing. i can´t wait to shower at home.
pizza joke, janek and i split two cheese pizzas for dinner. josh had a vegetarian. the pizza was really good. we were so full. i had to give janek my last slice because it was too much food. little boys were outside the fence and asked us for pizza.
mondo tai tu repeat. i met a lot of new friends and bumped into old ones. all of them travelers with such great personalities and stories. i can´t wait to travel and meet more people like this. we ran into mallory, jess and lisa again.
Jaime 18 and from scotland. he already did his foundation year and will be doing 4 more at the university of Edinburgh. he´s an artist, in every sense of the word. complete with a hat and a 35 year old camera. last week, he forgot his passport in panama city and got thrown into jail. he told ridiculous stories: some clearly made up, some stolen and who knows how many genuine.
lisa italian from australia, but you might mistake her as indian with her olive complexion. been traveling in south and central america since january. she has another month, then a plane ticket to vancouver to work and travel. she plans to stay in canada for 2 years. we shared the bus and water taxi together, got put into different hostels, but met again in mondo tai tu.
lirun born in australia, working in israel. he knows 7 languages, including spanish, hebrew, french, chinese and english. he helped lead the group through the water taxi mess from changuinola. he did dragon boat, martial arts and now he´s surfing around south america. he plays guitar and writes his own songs.
sean hogan teaches grades 4, 5, and 6 english in costa rica. he started in february and is probably staying more than a year. he´s from washington dc but is thinking of living here permanently. i don´t know that much about him, because i spent the time talking to him by asking him questions about teaching in costa rica.
heike balcony we left mondo tai tu to walk along the street. we took some pictures, bought some souvenirs. i got a hammock! i can´t wait to set it up at home. we ended the night on the balcony of our hostel. this was by far my most favourite time spent in Bocas. a group of us just hung out in chairs and on the railing. there were two guitars passed around. people sang and played. there were cover songs and original material. my favourite artist was ashley. she´s in a band called asher in the rye. we just chilled and listened to music. it was so awesome. i went to bed at 1 in the morning. we want to stay here an delay going back to Gandoca, but we won't.
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