new girls henry brought two new girls, Judith and Delaney, to the house. I gave him a big hug because i missed him so much. i moved all my stuff to the single bed in Aine's room. the girls share the bunk bed i had with val. when chris moves out, one of them can have his bed. Sandra cleaned up their room and i set up the mosquito net and sheets on my new bed. aine is leaving on friday and i'll have the room to myself for a bit more than a week.
Horseback on the beach we paid $10 for 3 hours riding the horses on the beach. at first, we turned right, riding on sector b until we hit the creek to the lagoon. i've never been on this stretch of beach so it was nice to see how it looked. we turned and rode all the way to punta mona, the organic farm near monkey point. i tried to go fast a few times, but i wasn't good at it and bounced around a lot. it was nicer to go slow and look around. the ocean looks different when you're high up on a horse. we kept close to the ocean so we wouldn't disturb the beach just in case there were babies. a lot of the times, we rode on top of the waves. Joke and i switched cameras so we would have pictures of ourselves. when i got off the horse, i was so unbelievably sore. it hurt to sit, stand up and walk.
Pura Vida and the bar i showered, had dinner and then we all head down to Pura Vida to get milkshakes. they ran out of chocolate again! when everyone was done their burgers and shakes, we moved to sit at the bar. we didn't stay long because some of us had patrol.
patrol on sector b i walked to the station early with chris because he had sector c. i was on patrol with Ilona, two dutch girls, Allix and Bia. the walk was a lot further than our horseback ride. i was so happy because i didn't get my feet wet at all. on our breaks, Bia told us a lot of funny stories. we also learned bad words in different languages. on our second time heading to the lagoon, we saw the association coming our way. they sometimes play around with non local patrol leaders and their group. Bia (she's from Brazil) made us hide in the forest so they wouldn't see who was leading and how many were on patrol. i got bit by ants all the way to my thighs. it really hurt and was the low point in my patrol. i hadn't got bit by ants since my first patrol so i was so mad. they are the worst bites you can get, because they are painful and blister the very next day even when you don't touch them.
cocos land repeat we got home at 2:30. chris came home right after me. we showered and i hung out with him in the kitchen while he had a smoke. after he went to bed, i went to the bar to lie on the hammock. my room was way too hot to sleep even though we had the fan on all day. i saw kanye west on the tv and it made me really happy.
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