early morning i woke up at 6:30 and packed my bags. it was pouring rain outside. at 7, i went to the boca's internet cafe. they weren't open yet, so i sat at a table outside to update my journal. i went online to check my email and find some white water rafting companies in costa rica. joke came to get me when they were ready to leave. i paid $4.5. they made pancakes at the hostel, but i wasn´t hungry. we went back to the internet cage and left for the 11am water taxi. unfortunately, they were full till 2pm. we didn't want to go home in the dark, so we took the water taxi to get to another city. at 12 pm, we bought bread and chocolate for sandra. while we waited, i bought 2 anklets and a bracelet. to get to the border, we split a taxi with a couple from Germany for $6.50 each. i got a stamp from panama and one for costa rica. at sixaola, josh brought groceries. renee saw me and i told him there were 4 of us that wanted a ride back to gandoca.
back home sandra said "hello my daughters!" she was very happy with the bread we bought because when she bought six loaves for chris and aine's last breakfast, they all disappeared from the kitchen. i also gave her nail polish remover and cotton pads i brought from home. i called my mother to tell her i got back safe. i sat on the balcony with Janek and Joke to talk to Judith about our trip.
italian couple two new people moved into chris' room. they were 25 and 26. they speak a bit of english.
so cute i went to the kitchen to tell Sandra we would also like an early dinner with Judith and Delaney because we skipped lunch. she said "Heidi, why haven't you talked to me today? are you tired from your trip?" so i stayed to talk to her for an hour. while she did laundry, Asdrubal came home from an errand, but he forgot to buy mosquito incense. Sandra gave me money and i went to carmen's to pick some up. when i got back, the boys showed me the washroom they were tiling. they started to argue because washroom tiles were done higher than the hallway tiles. it was dinner time but i thought it would be awkward to excuse myself at the moment.
dinner after i sat down to eat, you could still hear them in the cabin. we had fried rice, tomatoes, and slices of pepperoni. i stayed to talk to the new couple about the shifts and schedules here. i got to know them better.
bar instead i was scheduled to do patrol, but i forgot my water shoes in Bocas. i discovered that i also forgot my new towel in bocas. so i just went to the bar instead.
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