lazy day i couldn´t really walk because my toe hurt alot. i decided to stay home all day until my hatchery shift at midnight. Bia switched me from hatchery A to B because it´s closer. she couldn't switch val until she told Axelle. we all hung out until lunch at noon. Chris had his at 11:30 because he had hatchery duty at 12. we ate chicken, cabbage salad, tomatoes and plantain chips. Joke, Janek and I discussed our traveling plans for our days off and also at the end of my trip. Asdrubal went to bed at 5 in the morning, but he couldn't sleep because it was so hot, so we played cards together. he taught val, janek and i a Costa Rican card game. janek dropped out, but Aine joined us for some Gin Rummy. we played until Asdrubal got tired. then i went to take a nap too.
Spaghetti with cucumbers and soft cheese for dinner. we didn't wait for chris because val and i had a midnight shift. Sandra told us to eat so we would have more time to sleep. it was just the 3 of us for dinner, Janek and Joke ate early for a 6 o'clock shift. Asdrubal woke up as i put the dishes away.
Hatchery B we walked to the hatchery to relieve Joke and Janek. they said only one guy showed up for hatchery A, so maybe val was supposed to be his partner. At 6:30pm, Axelle came by but val was with me, so she walked to Hatchery A. she had overslept her alarm and that´s why she came by so late. patrol came by and slept on the sand near us. then sector a patrol came by. Bia never found Axelle today, so she was mad at valerie for not sticking to the schedule. the bugs were not so bad with the wind tonight, but i still had my poncho on. i didn't use a flashlight to put it on and i was struggling with the armholes. i decided to give up and turn on my flashlight to find out i had the poncho on sideways. another night with no babies. close to 5 am, the sun started to rise. it was cloudy so i couldn't get a full picture of the sun. at 5:30, only one girl for Hatchery A passed by. there were a few days of rain so we went under the shelter to wait. at 6, we were replaced and the second girl for hat a came by.
Babies on the way home, val almost stumbled on two baby leatherbacks. they were probably washed onto shore and were trying to get back to the ocean. val went home to shower first. i stayed to make sure they made it to the water. on the way home, i saw this creature that was half squirrel and (i swear) half monkey. he shrieked at me and it was a bit demonic in the half light.
into the next day i went home, showered, put medicine for my really swollen mosquito bites ( i only have enough medicine to treat selectively), and put on bug repellent. I put extra on my ankles and the back of my shoulders because the mosquitoes love those spots. i wasn't tired, so i saw in the kitchen and played in my fill in puzzle book. i also wanted to let my cut dry out and prolong having to put a band aid on. Asdrubal was awake so we talked for a bit until breakfast time.
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