Dear Josh,
i hope this note finds you! we were so lucky as to bump into you and find a travel companion. thank you for speaking spanish for us, buying shots of seco, taking so many pictures for me, and being such a good friend. i´m glad we got to go to Panama together and also spend time in Gandoca. Maybe i will see you in Costa Rica again.
i wish you a safe journey home, Heidi
Dear Judith,
you were the first person i met at the turtle project. in gandoca, i had the opportunity to experience and learn so much. i want to especially thank you for showing us around the station on my first day and taking me for senso to sector c. you are knowledgeable about so many things. i honestly wish we had a chance to talk more. i will be sure to send you a message if i go to korea to teach english.
all the best, Heidi
Dear Holly,
you were the first patrol leader i had. it was such a memorable experience. i remember being so scared of tripping over logs in the dark. a month has gone by and i loved working with you everytime. i learned a lot from you. i hope the rest of the season treats you well.
all the best, Heidi
Dear Bia,
you are such a sweetheart. i loved your stories during patrol and the way you try to improve in so many languages. it was cool that we bumped into each other in Bocas. i hope your travel through Costa Rica is amazing and you have a safe trip home.
Besos, Heidi
P.S. i will forever remember hiding in the forest from the association.
Dear Anibal,
Thank you for taking me on a boat for a lagoon tour, through the jungle to manzanillo, punta mona to collect shells and cooking that early breakfast at 5 am. i loved walking with Pearl on the beach, watching you tile the cabin, sharing a room with you and staying at the bar until morning in the hammock. good luck with being a tour guide and finishing the cabins. i hope my life plans take me to Gandoca again.
(Querido Anibal, gracias por traerme en un tur de la laguna, en el jungla a manzanillo, para ir a punta mona para recojer conchas, y cocinar la desayuno a las cinco de la manana. me gusta mucho caminar contigo con Perla en la playa, mirar poner la baldosa al piso en la cabina, y compartir cuarto contigo, y estar al bar conmigo hasta la manana en el hamoca. bueno suerte para ser un guio turistico, y a completar las cabinas. espero regresar a gandoca luego en mi vida. Besos, Heidi)
Dear Asdrubal,
thank you for letting me be apart of your family. i will always remember the lagoon tour, playing cards with you, trying to understand your fast spanish, helping you wash chairs (though i did not do a good job with my puny arms). you´re a funny person. i will miss you.
keep laughing, Heidi
(Querido Asdrubal, gracias por permitirme de ser un miembro de su familia. voy a recordar siempre el tur de la laguna, jugar cartas contigo, intendando hablar su espanol rapido, ayudando a laver las sillas (pero no puedo hacer una buenatarea porque mis brazos no son fuertes). voy a echar de menos. tu eres una persona muy divertido. siempre esta riendo. su amiga, China)
Dear Sandra,
i have been so happy in Gandoca because you were like a mother to me. thank you for cooking us meals, cleaning our rooms, reminding us of our shifts, teaching me how to make an anklet, practicing spanish with me and showing me how to cook. i will miss you so much.
your Canadian daughter,
Kisses, Heidi
(Querida Sandra, estuve muy contenta de estar contigo en Gandoca porque usted es mi mama costarricense. gracias por cocinar todos. nuestras comidas, limpiar nuestros cuartos, siempre decirros de nuestrps trabajos. ensenarme como hacer una pulsera de tobillo, practicar espanol conmigo y ensenarme como cocinar. su hija canadiense, besos, Heidi)
Dear Judith,
i thought that Sandra´s house would be so lonely once Chris and Aine left. i´m so glad Henry brought you here so we could fill the house with scary stories, pj parties, and lots of laughter. thanks for all those times you let me vent! i hope the rest of your trip is amazing and safe. i will miss you tons.
all the best, Heidi (your matching flashlight buddy)
(it´s pink! --> turtle tummy)
Dear Delaney,
since you came, Sandra´s has been filled with random songs and lots of laughing. i really enjoyed talking and chilling in the kitchen with you. thanks for helping me talk to sandra when i didn't know the spanish for it.
all the best, Heidi
P.S. i love your hair and all those bracelets!
1 comment:
hey i don't know u but thanks for taking all these wonderful pictures, especially of my bf! i miss him so much! thank u!!
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